Vol. 13/II n.s. (December 2023) cover

Per i Settecento anni del Regno di Sardegna. Una nuova società: un lungo processo di integrazione

For the Seven Hundred Years of the Kingdom of Sardinia. A new society: a long integration process

A cura di / Edited by

Miquel Fuertes Broseta, Lluís J. Guia Marín, Maria Grazia R. Mele, Giovanni Serreli

The year 2023 marks the seven hundredth anniversary of the landing in Sardinia of the Infante Alfonso in command of the Aragonese troops. After a year of military campaign, on 19 June 1324 the Kingdom of 'Sardinia and Corsica' was definitively realised, later the Kingdom of Sardinia since the conquest of Corsica, repeatedly planned, was never realised.
In fact, while the occupation of Pisan territories in Sardinia began in 1323, the institutionalisation of the new Kingdom began in 1324.
From a strictly legal point of view, the bond with the Crown of Aragon had already existed since 1297, when Pope Boniface VIII enfeoffed the Regnum Sardiniae et Corsicae to King James II the Just.
In order to reflect on the historical, cultural, and social significance of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Scientific Committee wished to extend the analysis to the early 18th century when the Sardinian Kingdom was freed from the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic Monarchy to be ceded to the House of Savoy.
The approximately fifty contributions are divided into four substantial fascicles. In this issue, 12 (June 2023) the first two are published. In December 2023, the other two.

Published: 2023-12-31

RiMe 13/II n.s. (December 2023)