Published by
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea
RiMe 5/II n.s. is a miscellaneous Booklet composed of 6 articles and 3 book reviews. The first three articles deal with Medieval and Modern History, while the other three deal with closely interconnected themes of Contemporary History.
The first essay is a first historical and archaeological reading and opens new theories and research perspectives on the ruins of Cuccuru Casteddu in Sardinia, perhaps in relation to a Byzantine castle.
The second article is dedicated to the symbols of power and the use of images to achieve political aims, focusing in particular on Mariano IV judge of Arborea, Peter IV king of Aragon and Robert of Anjou, king of Naples, in the mid-14th century.
The third article is a chronological itinerary of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, from his youth in Spain in the service of the Crown to the wars of Naples that gave him the title of Gran Capitán and his subsequent political apogee as first viceroy of Naples.
The fourth text deals with the important issue of mobility after the 1970s, when immigration became a topic of growing interest even in the countries of southern Europe that became the final destination of migration.
At the centre of the fifth essay is the analysis of the macro-regional strategies of the European Union and the potential of a new Mediterranean macro-region to rethink and reform the European Union.
The sixth and last article rethinks the Mediterranean space by analysing the main works of Mohammed Arkoun (d. 2010), one of the most important contemporary Arab scholars. This operation allows to understand the centrality of the Mediterranean area between Islam and the West and the possibilities of its rebirth from the common geo-historical and geo-cultural horizon.
The booklet is closed by three book reviews dedicated 1) to the theme of health in Valencia in the 15th century; 2) to the models of settlement, filiation, promotion and devotion of the orders of the Poor Clares and Dominicans in the Iberian Peninsula, Sardinia, Naples and Sicily in the Middle Ages and, finally, 3) to the public authorities in the Crown of Aragon between the 14th and 16th centuries.
Religious culture and education in 20th and 21st century Europe
Maria Giuseppina Meloni and Anna Maria Oliva (eds.)
A workshop on the topic “The presence and the quality of the religious history in the school texts for the high school and in the most important texts of general history edited in the last three decades " took place in Rome, on January 10th and 11th, 2019 organized by the CNR - Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea. The workshop was part of the activities carried out within the European project ReIReS - Research Infrastructures on Religious Studies (Horizon 2020 INFRAIA).
The workshop aimed to analyze the state-of-the-art of the relations between the development of historical religious studies and the educational programs in Europe, focusing on the role that school and school textbooks have in the knowledge of religious history. The scholars discussed how far the progress in understanding of religious history, which comes from the possibilities granted by ReIReS, could have an impact in reframing the education programs and enriching education as a process of knowledge transferred from academia to a larger audience.
The papers, held by scholars and policy makers, covered various topics related to religious history and how it is dealt with by teaching and historical communication in the different European Union countries. All this was analysed not only with regard to textbooks, but also in relation to museums, websites, ongoing debates and the relationship between religious and political history.
RiMe 4/II is is a booklet of Varia hosting eight articles and a review. The themes of the essays range from the medieval and modern history of the western Mediterranean - Sicily, Sardinia, Genoa and the Crown of Spain - to an intriguing link between this geo-political area and the Norwegian world in the 13th century. Other interesting essays expand this reading of the Euro-Mediterranean area, focusing also on the theme of the Crusade in relation to the Ottoman world in the Modern Age. The last article proposes instead a new reading key for the immediate future of this area still so strategic at world level.
The booklet is closed by the review of a text dedicated to shipbuilding between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages to the Modern Age.
RiMe 4/II è un fascicolo di Varia che ospita otto articolo e una recensione. I temi dei saggi spaziano dalla storia medioevale e moderna del Mediterraneo occidentale - Sicilia, Sardegna, Genova e la Corona di Spagna - a un interessante collegamento tra questa area geo-politica e il mondo norvegese nel XIII secolo. Altri interessanti saggi ampliano questa lettura dell'area euromediterranea, focalizzandosi anche sul tema della Crociata in rapporto al mondo ottomano in Età Modernain Età Moderna. L'ultimo articolo propone invece una nuova chiave di lettura per l'immediato prossimo futuro di questa area ancora così strategica a livello mondiale.
Il fascicolo è chiuso dalla recensione di un testo dedicato alle costruzioni navali tra Atlantico e Mediterraneo tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna
Alle origini dell'assistenza in Italia meridionale. Istituzioni, archivi e fonti (secc. XIII- XVII).
A cura di Paola Avallone, Gemma T. Colesanti e Salvatore Marino
At the origins of assistance in southern Italy. Institutions, archives and sources (13th-17th centuries).
Edited by Paola Avallone, Gemma T. Colesanti and Salvatore Marino.
This monographic Special Issue hosts part of the research presented at the conference on hospital archives in the Middle Ages to the early Modern Age, held in Naples in November 2017, as part of the PRIN project "Alle origini del Welfare (XIII-XVI sec.). Radici medievali e moderne della cultura europea dell’assistenza e delle forme di protezione sociale e credito solidale ("At the origins of Welfare (XIII-XVI sec.). Medieval and modern roots of the European culture of assistance and forms of social protection and solidary credit").
These studies - which contain research carried out in regions such as Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily - can be considered the partial achievement of the second aim of the conference: to draw a brief picture of the welfare institutions of southern Italy (brotherhoods, hospitals, public welfare and charities) that operated between the late Middle Ages and the early Modern Age.
Campania and the city of Naples, on the other hand, will be published in one of RiMe's next dossiers.
La presente Special Issue monografica ospita una parte delle ricerche presentate al convegno di studi sul tema degli archivi ospedalieri tra medioevo e prima Età moderna, svoltosi a Napoli nel novembre del 2017, nell’ambito del progetto PRIN Alle origini del Welfare (XIII-XVI sec.). Radici medievali e moderne della cultura europea dell’assistenza e delle forme di protezione sociale e credito solidale" Questi studi - che contengono ricerche condotte nelle regioni di Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Sardegna e Sicilia - possono essere considerati il parziale coseguimento del secondo obiettivo del suddetto Convegno: tracciare un quadro sintetico sulle istituzioni assistenziali del Sud d'Italia (confraternite, ospedali, enti di pubblica assistenza e beneficenza) che operarono tra tardo medioevo e prima Età moderna.
La Campania e la città di Napoli, invece, saranno oggetto di pubblicazione in uno dei prossimi fascicoli di RiMe.
Between History, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.
Some results of the ASRT / CNR Bilateral Project ‘History of Peace-building: peaceful relations between Est and West (11th - 15th Centuries)’
Luciano Gallinari - Ali Ahmed El-Sayed - Heba Mahmoud Saad (eds.)
This Booklet of RiMe, with which the Journal celebrates its (first) 10 years of existence, is once again, a Special Issue. In this case, it is dedicated to the topic of relations between Italy and Egypt and, more generally, between the Western World and the Islamic one in a chronological span that goes from the High Middle Ages to the beginning of the Modern Age, a theme at the heart of the Bilateral Project ASRT (Egypt) / CNR (Italy) "History of Peace-building: peaceful relations between East and West (11th - 15th Century)", financed for the years 2016 - 2017, whose scientific managers were, for the Egyptian side, Prof. Ali Ahmed Mohamed El-Sayed, from the University of Damanhour, and Dr. Luciano Gallinari, from the CNR-Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea, for the Italian one.
Las Humanidades y su estudio a través de los videojuegos, la gamificación y las redes sociales: una introducción / Humanities and their study through video games, gamification and social networks: an introduction.
A cargo de / Edited by Maria Betlem Castellà Pujols - Luciano Gallinari
The Booklet contains the proceedings of a Workshop on Humanities, video games and social networks, organised in April 2017 by the two editors of the booklet at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.
It is a sort of third chapter in a series of initiatives dedicated by the Journal to the very stimulating relationship between History and these tools and methodologies for teaching and spreading it.
It houses four articles dedicated to the world of the video games, which has been differently declined by the authors: Someone has focused on the teaching of the Middle Ages, someone else on the teaching of History and Cultural Heritage. Another author has examined the case of a committed video game, in order to reflect on difficult issues such as terrorism and the relationship between the truth and the false media information.
Two more texts have been dedicated to the Social Netwotks, and especially to Facebook: one of them, in relation to formal and informal learning; another essay, instead, focused on the relationship between the Medieval History and Facebook. The Booklet focused on the potential of gamification in teaching foreign languages and in the relationships between the components and the mechanics of gamification with the dynamic of the narrative
The Booklet contains individual articles whose themes range from the public and private life of the Hierosolimitans of Corleone (Sicily) between the 14th and 15th centuries to two texts dedicated to the Cono Sur: the first, focused on Italian migrants in the Argentine city of Córdoba in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early decades of the 20th century; the other, instead, dwells on the presence of Italians and the Italian language in contemporary Chile.
A fourth essay is dedicated to the fascinating world of the Sardinian mines, rebuilt thanks to archival sources, with an interesting perspective that also observes them as important museums for cultural and tourist purposes.
The booklet is closed by a text that has been dedicated to some interesting historiographic reflections aimed at highlighting the profound difference between the profession of the historian and that of the amateur, observed in the light of logic.
'Santi che viaggiano’. Mobilità e circolazione di culti religiosi nel Mediterraneo tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna / ‘Saints who travel'. Mobility and movement of religious cults in the Mediterranean between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.
A cura di / Edited by Maria Giuseppina Meloni
The booklet houses six articles presented at the Ex nihilo Zero Conference of the European Academy of Religion (Bologna, 18-22 June 2017). From these essays it emerges how the Mediterranean, the centre of an intensive movement of men, goods and ideas, was also the medium for the circulation of cults and relics. There were significant cases both in Pisa where new worships developed between the High Middle Ages and the 13th Century, as a result of its maritime contacts; and in Sardinia which, due to its geographical position and historical events, was opened to the reception of new cults introduced by the powerful men of the time. The island itself, however, was also in some circumstances the exporter of relics and devotions. In addition, The Booklet examines also the strong connection with the sea of the cult of St. Nicholas and the translation of his relics from Myra to Bari.
Scienze umane, dalla produzione di nuova conoscenza alla disseminazione e ritorno / Humanities, from production of new knowledge to dissemination and back.
A cura di / Edited by Giovanni Sini
The booklet analyses different national and international experiences of circularity of the knowledge. Experiences that start, mostly but not only from the world of research, after they have produced new knowledge, for dissemination purposes. In some cases, a specific discourse on enhancement and the protection of cultural heritage is carried out. Theoretical/operational methodologies have been investigated on how to “go beyond” Humanities in general, thanks to disciplines such as Public History, Digital Humanities, the so-called new technologies and the Virtual Reality. The proposed experiences come from both the academic and entrepreneurial fields with different users: generic, academic and educational.
The Booklet contains two monographic Dossiers.
The first contains four texts produced within the framework of the research project "E Pluribus unum. Il profilo identitario della Sardegna dal Medioevo alla Contemporaneità" - Principal Investigator Dr. Luciano Gallinari, Institute of the Mediterranean Europe History (ISEM) of CNR - granted by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
The second one id dedicated to the contemporary and historiographic Mediterranean, includes some of the presentations given at the International Conference “Encuentros y desencuentros en el Mediterráneo: La nueva investigación y el “gran relato” (siglos XVI-XXI)”, held on March 14, 2016, at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona and edited by prof. Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols.
In addition, in the "various" section of the booklet there is a text by Dr. Alberto Claudio Sciarrone, a former intern at the ISEM-CNR dedicated to "The school dropout of the Egyptian and Moroccan communities living in Rome during the school year 2013/2014”.
Finally an interesting interview with the Mexican historian Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas (“The multiple pasts of a social scientist. Interview with Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas”), realized by prof. Rossella Viola, University of L’Aquila.
The Booklet contains individual articles whose topics range from the Modern History of the Mediterranean to Literary reflections on the figure of Alexander the Great.
In addition, the volume contains the dossier dedicated to "Reti consolari nel Mediterraneo.Percorsi e metodologie a confronto (secc. XVII-XIX)” edited by Annalisa Biagianti ((Università di Pisa), which includes three articles also dedicated to the Modern History of the Mediterranean
Il Fascicolo contiene singoli articoli i cui temi spaziano dalla storia moderna del Mediterraneo a riflessioni letterarie sulla figura di Alessandro Magno.
Inoltre, il volume contiene il dossier dedicato a "Reti consolari nel Mediterraneo.Percorsi e metodologie a confronto (secc. XVII-XIX)" a cura di Annalisa Biagianti (Università di Pisa), che comprende altri tre articoli dedicata alla storia moderna del Mediterraneo.
Migraciones peninsulares contemporáneas españolas e italianas hacia las regiones del Plata. Problemas y perspectivas de anàlisis para profundizar en su estudio / Contemporary Spanish and Italian peninsular migrations to the Rio de la Plata regions. Problems and perspectives of analysis to deepen its study. (1st Online International Workshop, 20 April 2016), Coordinadores / Coordinators Luciano Gallinari and Marcela Lucci
The present Booklet of RiMe includes a year of work on the topic of Italian and Spanish emigration in the Rio de la Plata between the end of the nineteenth century and the mid-twentieth century. Within the ethnic multiplicity of the immigrants’ contingent received by the Río de la Plata area during the stated period, the Italian and the Spanish one are the two most numerous and dynamic groups. A year started by the 1st Online International Workshop “Migraciones peninsulares contemporáneas hacia las regiones del Plata. Problemas y perspectivas de anàlisis para profundizar en su estudio”, which was held on April 20, 2016 organised by the ISEM-CNR and the IUHJVV of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and coordinated by Luciano Gallinari and Marcela Lucci.
A miscellaneous Booklet containing articles on History, History of Art and Archaeology of medieval Sardinia; some others are dedicate to the management of the Prisoners (captivi) during the Modern Age and the role played in this by some religious Orders and Brotherhoods.
Another text focuses on the French Revolution’s lawfulness in Vincenzo Cuoco, and finally another one on the philosophical reasons for the use of water as a common good.
Auctoritas e istituzioni (XII-XV secc.) / Auctoritas and Institutions (12th - 15th centuries).
A cura di / Edited by Esther Martí Sentañes - Karen Stöber
La Auctoritas supone un tema clave en la interpretación de la vida medieval. La autoridad en la Edad Media se tenía que negociar constantemente entre los poderes seculares y eclesiásticos que determinaban, de una manera u otra, casi cada aspecto de la vida en la Europa medieval. La Auctoritas además estaba presente en la más profunda estructura de la sociedad, desde el mundo rural hasta la corte real o papal. Por lo tanto, entender la dinámica de la autoridad resulta fundamental para nuestra comprensión de las sociedades medievales, y por extensión, de las raíces de nuestra propia sociedad.
En todos los ámbitos de los estudios medievales es posible hallar referencias a la autoridad, por ello, para entender mejor las dinámicas de esta época, es oportuno considerar este argumento desde múltiples perspectivas.
1215-2015. Ottocento anni dalla fondazione del Castello di Castro di Cagliari / 1215-2015. Eight hundred years after the foundation of Castello di Castro di Cagliari.
A cura di / Edited by Corrado Zedda
The Booklet is dedicated to the eight hundred years since the first mention of Castro Novo Montis de Castro (1215), located on the current hill of Castello (castle) overlooking the city of Cagliari. Although the construction of the urban center by the Commune of Pisa began probably a year after, the plant of Novo Castro marked the birth of a city that, in its progressive developments, will come to the present aspect, confirming the role as a gateway to Sardinia .
Mediterranean Network Publics and Citizenship. Civic engagement, political participation and cultural practices in the social media landscape in the Mediterranean area.
Stefania Manca – Maria Ranieri Eds.
Over the last few years, interest in the potential of social media for increasing people’s participation in public spaces and citizenship has gained momentum. In addition to use for sharing cultural, social and educational content, social networking has come to the fore in political contexts, especially during the 2011 Arab uprisings. Since then, their role in supporting civic participation and political/cultural change has been widely debated, with authors adopting contrasting positions. The papers presented in this Issue report on the role of social media in different contexts and for a variety of purposes: for civic learning, political engagement and cultural practices; as an instrumental part of the Arab Spring; as an element of religious and spiritual life; and for civic education in formal and informal learning contexts
Le Due Americhe dalla morte di JFK al golpe in Cile / The Two Americas from JFK's death to the Chilean coup.
A cura di / Edited by Marzia Rosti
The booklet collects some papers presented to the Conference with the same name celebrated in Milan in 2013, whose central idea was to reflect on the peculiar historical period 1963- 1973 experienced by the United States and Latin America, and on the relations between the two areas. The purpose of the Conference, before, and the publication, now, was to bring together contributions that went beyond the two events full of meaning and on which there are already large studies and endless bibliographies, in order to suggest new research paths and highlight unique or so far little explored aspects, in a time span full of events for the 'Two Americas'.
¿Órganos técnicos o instrumentos políticos? Las comisiones de trabajo de las instituciones parlamentarias y representativas.
Coordinado por / Edited by Maria Betlem Castellà - Esther Martí
As incomprehensible as it may seem today, the working Committees of the parliamentary and representative institutions have not attracted the attention of historians until very recently, leaving most of the analyses carried out in their most formal and legal aspects in the hands of jurists.
From 2011 to today, two days of study, not counting the workshop that gives rise to this Booklet have focused on analysing the role of the working commissions in the drafting of the law, in the decision-making of parliamentary and/or representative institutions, and in the implementation of measures taken by the institutions to which they were owed. his is how a polyhedral image of these bodies was forged, which is beginning to be difficult to summarise in a few words. Were they a law laboratory? The engine room of Parliaments? An institutional gear? A bridge between the centre and the periphery? A hinge between the central government and the local government? Or perhaps an open door to the world?
A miscellaneous booklet containing articles on: the Royal Letters of Martin I king of Aragon regarding Italy (14th-15th c.), the European immigrant newspapers in the 19th and 20th century in Buenos Aires, the memory of the African-American movement for civil rights and on music of Catalan origin sung in Alghero (Sardinia). The booklet also includes a dossier dedicated to the Contemporary History of the Balearic Islands.
This volume is miscellaneous and contains essays on medieval, modern and contemporary European and American history.
The first essays examines the schism of the Church, with the double election of Popes Innocent II and Anacletus II (1130-1138), a complex event in the context of the reform of the Church and the Investiture Controversy. A theme at the centre of a recent international conference that has deepened the many themes of research related to it and has led to new and important historiographical acquisitions, also with regard to regional dynamics.
The second article focuses on Saladin, bishop of Dolia in Sardinia when the first Sardinian-Calatan war broke out in 1353. A figure particularly interesting also for his name of Muslim origin that is not associated with any other bishop of the Catholic Church, even though it is well attested in the Christian West.
Another text is dedicated to Elia de Palmas, a clergyman who moved into the high diplomatic domain between the Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica and the Giudicato of Arborea between the 14th and the 15th centuries, years of general upsetting and change in different areas of the Crown of Aragon.
The fourth article focuses on Messina which entered the thick net of relations that, since the late 18th century, linked the American entrepreneurial, politico-diplomatic, and cultural world to the Old Europe. The text stresses how Americans discovered the city’s qualities as a profitable port for trading and a safe base for the Navy operation.
Another essay is dedicated to the contributions by cosmographers and cartographers from the Casa de la Contratación (Seville), military engineer from the Spanish Crown, Jesuit missionaries, and also scientists and explorers, which allowed to elaborate a detailed cartographic representation of Argentinian territory.
The sixth text explores some implications of the right to information for the representation and participation of external citizens in Argentina. Due to their characteristics, Italians represent a privileged case to better understand these dynamics.
The last article examines the perception on migration matters in the newspapers on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The research has been conducted on frequencies and cotexts in a portion of articles extracted from Northern-African newspapers, weekly magazines and political and cultural reviews published in the second semester of 2009.
Nuovi apporti sulle relazioni italo-argentine / New contributions on the Italian-Argentine relations.
A cura di / Edited by Luciano Gallinari
This booklet of RiMe closes a seven-year working relationship within the framework of two Bilateral Agreements on Scientific Cooperation between the Institute of Mediterranean European History of the CNR and the Catedra de Historia Social Contemporanea, Escuela de Ciencias de la Información, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, República Argentina (CONICET): Italia‐Argentina: ovverosia il Mediterraneo in Sudamerica. Storia, arte e cultura tra XVI e XXI secolo”, (May 2005‐December 2008) and “Terre di migrazioni: Italia e Argentina tra XVI e XXI secolo, (May 2009‐December 2012).
During these years the researchers of the two countries have been able to meet each other travelling from one side of the Atlantic to the other, and have been able to work together on the different lines of research of the Bilateral Agreements giving rise to different results, including, in addition to this booklet also several seminars held during mutual study visits and some scientific publications.
The Volume hosts three articles in the Various section.
The first analyses the role of History in the Origines by Amin Maalouf (Beyrouth, 1949), writer, journalist and amazing creator of historical novels, and offers multiple avenues for reflection on this subject and its relationship with memory. Origines takes the form of an autobiography and, at the same time, a family account, a genealogy, a narrative of national events seen from within. The author describes his method of investigation including the consultation of witnesses, archival research, their organization based on subjects, dates, the typology of documents... a method, therefore, very similar to that of historians except that for consulting witnesses, an approach distinctive from other fields, from police investigation to sociology
The second text is focused on the evolution of the Tunisian revolution and the empowerment of Islamists, which confirm that the Arab world, either for Islamisation of the nation or for nationalisation of Islam, continues eluding the problem of modernity that is the separation of politics and religion. A brief history of Tunisia shows that even Bourguiba, the great reformer of modern Tunisian society and women's liberator, has been able to advance step by step on the path of secularisation, claiming either the right or the Koran. Even after the revolution, the modernist elites are not able to develop a modern structural project that is a real renewal of the old system and may launch a process of democratisation based on a real individual freedom.
The third article examines the process of Africanisation of the Catholic Church that took place during the years of Pope John Paul II. The “mission” in Africa changed radically, thanks to the Episcopal Synod Assembly (1994), an event that, for the first time, was convoked at a continental level. The Synod was very important due to its reflections on all the important aspects of the life of the Church in Africa, above all evangelization, enculturation, dialogue, pastoral care in social areas, and it extended to the means of social communication.
The Volume hosts als a Focus dedicate to this theme:
Corona d’Aragona Sardegna / The Crown of Aragon and Sardinia. A cura di / Edited by Esther Martí Sentañes
It is the heir of a previous dossier published in RiMe 10 with the title “Le identità nella Corona d’Aragona. Nuove linee di ricerca” ("Identities in the Crown of Aragon. New lines of research"), which encompassed the studies of several young researchers dealing with issues related to the Crown of Aragon. Both initiatives respond to the willingness of scholars to encourage a resumption of Iberian studies, for some time rarefied both for the difficulty of carrying out most of the research because of the serious economic crisis that we are going through, and for a progressive disinterest of new doctoral students to address as a subject of study the institutional, cultural and economic links between the Italian-Latin territories and the Catalan-Aragonese motherland.
The Volume is closed by two Reviews: one dedicated to the interesting book Teatro e festività nella Napoli aragonese, by Cristiana Anna Addesso, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2012, 170 p., and the second one, on the contrary, contains historiographical reflections on a Round Table dedicated to sources and methodology on Sardinian history between the 8th and 9th centuries.
The volume contains six articles on Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History, as well as an essay on Antilles poetry.
In addition, there is the monographic dossier "Identities in the Crown of Aragon. New lines of research. Edited by Esther Martí Sentañes", containing several contributions on the study of identities in the Crown of Aragon in the Medieval and Modern Ages. A topic that in recent decades has been the subject of study, as it represents an interesting mechanism in which the analysis of social cohesion unfolds.
The volume also includes a forum on the theme of the Catholic Church and its current evangelization in Africa.
Finally, the volume hosts a review of the library of Alfonso II Del Carretto, Marquis of Finale Ligure.
The volume hosts a Various section with five articles.
The first is dedicated to the Archbishop William of Cagliari who in 1118 lodged a complaint to Pope Gelasius II accusing the “Giudice” of Cagliari, Mariano Torchitorio, to break the procedural rules concerning property donation to ecclesiastical institutions, which had been demanded by the Apostolic See in order to prevent the sin of simony against which the Church had been fighting for years.
The second text is focused on Piero Gobetti who in 1922 founded the Journal La Rivoluzione liberale, making Turin the centre of intellectual opposition to fascism for four years, before the journal was forced to close by the fascist dictatorship.
The Spanish Civil War in recent years and its historiographical debate is at the centre of the third article containing new reflections on this issue by Italian, English and Spanish historians which enabled an innovative vision of the Iberian conflict, thanks to a comparative perspective of the issue.
The fourth wssay focuses on European colonial policies based on several justifications developed and spread out by some cultural institutes and scientific organizations. In Italy, the building of a “colonial consciousness” was most important during the Fascist period, because of the role of imperialism in the Fascist project of the “new Italy”.
The fifth and last article of this section examines the metaphors corresponding to a specific set of images and concepts dealing with the culture of the speaking community, and presents the results of a research conducted on the use of the metaphors in Amara Lakhous’ novels Scontro di civiltà per un ascensore a Piazza Vittorio and Divorzio all’islamica a Viale Marconi.
In a monographic Dossier - Bernard Zadi Zaourou, quelques mois après… ou l’exigence de donner la voix / Bernard Zadi Zaourou, some months later or the need of giving a voice. A cura di / Edited by Nataša Raschi and Antonella Emina - RiMe hosts the eclectic personality of the Ivorian Bernard Zadi Zaourou who retired on 20 March 2012 in his ninth issue. A special dossier has been designed with the certainty that the Mediterranean unites Europe and this living and building Africa that Zadi's brilliant spirit has been able to express at the highest level. A prodigious intellectual and a taboo breaker, he was above all a man so committed that he sacrificed his entire life to the harvesting, protection and dissemination of African culture.
The volume contains two articles in the Various section. One is dedicated to the medieval chapels of the Cathedral of Santa Maria di Castello in Cagliari, which show the transition of Sardinia from the tuscan cultural and political context to the Catalan-Aragonese sphere of influence, while the second text deals with the journey of a Moroccan prince who became catholic during his captivity in Malta according to ta play of Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681).
The volume hosts a first dossier on Uruguay: L'altra riva del Río de la Plata: migrazioni, flussi e scambi tra Italia e Uruguay / The other bank of the Río de la Plata: migrations, flows and exchanges between Italy and Uruguay, edited by Martino Contu and Luciano Gallinari. Uruguay is a country whose historical and cultural events are strictly intertwined starting from the first half of the 19th century, firstly with those of the Kingdom of Sardinia, then of the Kingdom of Italy and, finally, with the Italian Republic ones.
The volume also contains a second monographic dossier - Tunisia, un anno dopo… un paradigma di modernità a rischio / Tunisia, one year later… a paradigm of a modernity in danger, edited by Raoudha Guemara, Yvonne Fracassetti and Michele Brondino - which gathers the contributions of a group of privileged observers composed of Tunisian and Italian historians, intellectuals and cultural operators, all witnesses in the field of the recent events of the Arab Spring, that is to say, of a historical moment that is still in progress.
RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (ISSN 2035-794X) (
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RiMe is indexed by: