• Vol. 7 (December 2011)

    This volume contains a Various section containing five articles. The first of these is dedicated to the strategic and economic role played by Sardinia in the military expansion of Islam during the first half of the 8th century AD. The tactical function of this island is included in the global military strategy adopted by Muslims for the control of all the others.
    Another essay, on the other hand, proposes a status quaestions of the studies on the Irish community in Rome between the 14th and 19th centuries, highlighting how the breadth of the corpus and the vastness of the historiography on migrations and foreign communities in Rome constitute the major difficulties of such scientific initiative.
    The third text traces the history of cultural and artistic relations between Italy and Iceland from the so-called "Viking era" to the present, to provide the Italian readers with some useful data to build in the future a more systematic treatment of the relations between the North Atlantic island and the Italian region.
    The fourth article focuses on Corinna Bille (1912-1979), considered one of the most representative voices of French-speaking Switzerland, and in particular on Emerentia 1713, a novel that is often analyzed in French-language literature courses or staged in theatrical adaptations in Switzerland, especially for some of its peculiar aspects such as the deep understanding of a girl with nature, or the patriarchal universe that crushes women.
    The fifth article focuses on Carlo Botta and his interesting observations about “the love of liberty” and “slavery” during the American Revolution. Indeed, that is the central theme of one of the most celebrated books in modern American history: American Slavery, American Freedom by Edmund S. Morgan.

     The volume host also a monographic Dossier entitled: Incontri e dialogo tra Italia e Messico: la doppia prospettiva storica e culturale / Meetings and dialogue between Italy and Mexico: the dual historical and cultural perspective. A cura di / Edited by Patrizia Spinato Bruschi - Ana María González Luna C.

    This Dossier aims to stimulate a constructive dialogue between Italian and Mexican writers, historians and artists, in order to trace an unusual itinerary that reveals, under different points of view, the multiple encounters that in different fields have taken place between Italy and Mexico. Although it seems surprising this network of exchanges is not an exclusively contemporary phenomenon, but is rooted in a distant past. From the first news of Pedro Mártir de Anglería to this day, the American continent has been a space generator of myths, a territory of expansion, conquest, material and cultural.



  • Vol. 6 (June 2011)

    In addition to three separate articles, this volume also contains two monographic issues. The firs is the  Dossier "Italy and Argentina: two countries, a mirror", edited by Luciano Gallinari, which contains many literary, architectural and historical articles on the theme of relations between Italy and Argentina, examined over a chronological span from the end of the 18th century to the 20th.

    The second monographic part is instead the  Focus "Tunisia, land of jasmine" edited by Antonella Emina, which examines the relations between Italy and Tunisia in a period between the nineteenth century and today in the light of Poetry, colonial history and social media.


     Il presente volume ospita oltre a trearticoli singoli anche due sezioni monografiche. La prima è il Dossier "Italia e Argentina: due Paesi, uno specchio" a cura di Luciano Gallinari, che  contiene numerosi articoli di carattere letterario, architettonico e storico sul tema delle relazioni tra Italia e Argentina esaminati in un arco cronologico che va dalla fine del XVIII secolo fino al XX.

    La seconda parte monografica è invece il Focus "Tunisia, terra del gelsomino"a cura di Antonella Emina, che esamina le relazioni intercorse tra Italia e Tunisia in un periodo compreso tra il XIX secolo e Oggi alla luce della Poesia, della Storia coloniale e di Social Media.

  • Vol. 5 (December 2010) cover Vol. 5 (December 2010)

    This booklet is a Various issue containing seven articles focusing on different themes starting with the contemporary Spanish Literature that encompasses several folklorical, anthropological and linguistic references in its works in order to highlight the enriching factor of immigration.
    Other articles are dedicated to topics of Medieval History: 1) the political and institutional process followed by the Sardinian Judges in an attempt to be legally recognized as sovereigns by authorities, outside Sardinia such as the Communes of Genoa and Pisa, the Apostolic See and the Holy Roman Empire. 2) The world of good governance and morality in Sardinia in the late Middle Ages from the Book of Ordinacions, using as main documents of analysis the Ordinacions of the city of Cagliari and Alghero (1526). 3) An interesting and little known coastal circumnavigation of Sardinia included in the text of the oldest portolano so far found, the “Liber de existencia riveriarum", a copy of it was probably acquired by the British royal administration to participate in the Third Crusade (1189-1192).
    Another article is dedicated to Contemporary History and focuses on historiography of the European press in Egypt which represents a documentary source of historical and cultural value in order to reconstruct the history of fthe European communities and their relations with Egypt over the last two centuries.
    Finally, two other articles focus on linguistic subjects.

    Questo fascicolo è un numero di Varia che contiene sette articoli su diversi temi a partire dalla letteratura spagnola contemporanea, che include diversi riferimenti folcloristici, antropologici e linguistici nelle sue opere, al fine di evidenziare il fattore di arricchimento dell'immigrazione.
    Altri articoli sono dedicati a temi di storia medievale: 1) l'iter politico e istituzionale seguito dai giudici sardi nel tentativo di essere legalmente riconosciuti come sovrani da autorità esterne alla Sardegna, come i Comuni di Genova e Pisa, la Sede Apostolica e il Sacro Romano Impero. 2) Il mondo del buon governo e della morale in Sardegna nel tardo Medioevo a partire dal Libro delle Ordinacions, utilizzando come principali documenti di analisi le Ordinacions delle città di Cagliari e Alghero (1526). 3) Una interessante e poco conosciuta circumnavigazione costiera della Sardegna inclusa nel testo del più antico portolano finora rinvenuto, il "Liber de existencia riveriarum", una copia del quale probabilmente fu acquisita dall'amministrazione reale britannica per partecipare alla terza crociata (1189-1192).
    Un altro articolo è dedicato alla storia contemporanea e si concentra sulla storiografia della stampa europea in Egitto che rappresenta una fonte documentaria di valore storico e culturale per ricostruire la storia delle comunità europee e dei loro rapporti con l'Egitto negli ultimi due secoli.
    Infine, altri due articoli si soffermano su argomenti linguistici.

  • Vol. 4 (June 2010) cover Vol. 4 (June 2010)

    This issue contains a Dossier entitled Sardinia. A Mediterranean Crossroads edited by Olivetta Schena and Luciano Gallinari, contining a wide selection of the papers presented at 12th Annual Mediterranean Studies Congress, held in Cagliari, 27-30 May 2009. These are essays that examine the history of the Mediterranean Sea and its numerous interweavings between the Middle Ages and Contemporaneity, not only from a historical point of view, but by using interpretative tools from disciplines such as Archaeology and Art History.

    In addition, the volume also hosts a Focus with the emblematic title Glances beyond the Mediterranean, with two articles dedicated to the U.S. and the raids of Islamic pirates of North Africa in the Mediterranean between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and another essay focuses on immigration from Italy to the Plata region between discrimination and welcome.

    Finally, the issue also includes a Focus dedicated to research on the History of North America in the Digital Age.

  • Vol 3 (December 2009)

    This volume contains a part of "Varia" comprising eight articles dealing with the African continent, analysed by means of 1) the Franciscan iconographic theme such as the Martyrs of Morocco, its instrumentalisation and diffusion in Europe and America; 2) the theatrical works by Wajdi Mouawad, playwright, theatre director and actor and 3) the writings of the Franco-Tunisian poet, novelist and essayist, Nadir Mohamed Aziza.
    One essay is dedicated to the analysis of the Provençal language of the Alps, while another focuses on the Sardinian mines seen in their transformation from a place of work to a place of memory and identity. Finally, two other articles are dedicated to the widespread phenomenon of Italian migrations in the Cono Sur and, in particular, in Argentina and Chile between the second half of the 19th century and the Contemporaneity.

  • Vol. 1 (December 2008) cover Vol. 1 (December 2008)

    Mentalità e prassi mercantili tra Mediterraneo e Atlantico (XV-XVIII sec.) / Mentality and commercial practices between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic (15th-18th centuries). A cura di / Edited by Grazia Biorci - Pierangelo Castagneto

    This volume contains the proceedings of the Conference Mentalità e prassi mercantili tra Mediterraneo e Atlantico (XV-XVIII sec.) - "Mentality and commercial practices between the Mediterranean and Atlantic (15th-18th centuries)" organised in Genoa in March 2008, which wanted to verify the extent and developement of some of the new historiographic lines of research, and to be a simple and starting reconnaissance of the different mentalities and practices of commercial exchanges and of the peculiarities of some Mediterranean phenomena: codes of conduct, shared assumptions at the basis of negotiations; modalities, languages, laws, and the insurances that belonged to the whole varied community operating in that Sea in the early Modern Age.

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