Vol. 13/III n.s. (December 2023) cover

Per i Settecento anni del Regno di Sardegna.

Testimonianze artistiche e materiali e fonti

 For the Seven Hundred Years of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Artistic and material testimonies, and sources

A cura di / Edited by

 Miquel Fuertes Broseta, Lluís J. Guia Marín,

Maria Grazia R. Mele, Giovanni Serreli

This fourth and final issue concludes the publishing initiative dedicated to the seven hundred years since the concrete realisation of the Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica, which has involved dozens of scholars from different countries, who have analysed multiple aspects of this institution over several centuries. This issue contains fifteen essays dealing with archaeology, architecture, history, history of art and digital resources. It, like the three previous ones, not only offers a historiographical update on numerous topics, but also provides scholars with a large, up-to-date bibliographical resource.

Published: 2024-04-30

RiMe 13/III n.s. (December 2023)