Alcune considerazioni economico-commerciali di viaggiatori italiani sull'Argentina

Some economic and commercial considerations about Argentina by Italian travellers

  • Luciano Gallinari CNR - Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea
Keywords: Giovanni Pelleschi, Galileo Massei, Argentine, Italian Migration, Italian Travellers, Migrazioni italiane, Viaggiatori italiani


We present a first analysis of some elements on the images of Argentina provided to Italian readers by two texts of Italian travellers: Giovanni Pelleschi’s Otto mesi nel Gran Ciacco, Viaggio lungo il fiume Vermiglio and Galileo Massei’s La Repubblica argentina nel primo centenario della sua indipendenza. Il Brasile e l’Uruguay (1910). Two very different works, focused on diverse aspects of the Argentine reality. The first on natural landscapes and the Native peoples; the second one on the Italian communities and their economic development especially in relation with Italy.

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