“mar imenso solitário e antigo”:

os italianos nas rotas marítimas portuguesas

 “mare immenso solitario e antico”:

gli italiani lungo le rotte marittime portoghesi

 “mar imenso solitário e antigo”: the Italians in the Portuguese maritime routes


 A cura di / Edited by

Nunziatella Alessandrini - Ana Paula Avelar - Mariagrazia Russo - Gaetano Sabatini

This Special Issue is part of a line of research that has been carried out for years by its editors and is based on deepening the knowledge of the relationship between Italy and Portugal examined from various points of view.  In particular, it can be considered as a continuation and deepening of the work that three of the editors of this dossier (Alessandrini, Russo, Sabatini) have already started with the 2019 publication (CHAM Edition, Lisboa): ‘"Chi fa questo Camino è ben navigato. Culture e dinamiche nei porti di Italia e Portogallo, XV-XVI secolo', in which the strategic importance of Italian and Portuguese ports in the Mediterranean and Atlantic was highlighted, which were essential for the mobility of people and goods, and for the dissemination and exchange of news.
The contributions in this issue of RiMe can be seen as a highly effective exploration of the subject of travel descriptions in the 16th century and the sources from which they were made. The essays contained therein take into consideration various figures, certainly already well known to odeporical literature, due to the vast amount of studies dedicated to them, but of whom new aspects are presented to the reader here,  with a particular reference to a parallel reading of their works. (From the Introduction)


Published: 2024-06-30

Introduction / Introduzione

RiMe 14/II n.s. (June 2024)