Current Issue

RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024)
RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024) cover

Special Issue

Face Up. Faces from the past.
The fight for freedom and democracy in Albania during the regime of Enver Hoxha

Edited by
Michele Rabà - Gaetano Sabatini

The essays collected in the present issue of RiMe bear exemplary witness to this particularly important and fruitful moment of cultural relations between Italy and Albania on the theme of shared historical memory: they are first and foremost the results of the research activity carried out as part of “Face Up. Faces from the past. The fight for freedom and democracy during the regime of Hoxha”, a project funded by the EU within the program “Europe for Citizens, Line 1 - European Remembrance (2019-2022)” which had as partners of CNR ISEM for the Italian side the Department of Psychology of Sapienza University of Rome and the Fondazione di Storia onlus of Vicenza , and for the Albanian side the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tirana and the Association "Zeri Qytetar - The Voice of the Citizen".

These essays have the aim of carrying out a careful reconstruction of the historical context in which to situate the experience of the internment camps of the communist regime in Albania, a political but also economic and social reconstruction, which also goes so far as to represent the historical phase of Albania's exit from dictatorship and its gradual return to democracy and to the natural geopolitical context of belonging.

(From "Cultural relationships between Albania and Italy and the Face Up project...")

Published: 2024-06-30

RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024). Special Issue

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RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (ISSN 2035-794X) is an electronic Journal of studies on the Mediterranean, founded by the Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe (ISEM) of the italian National Research Council (CNR).

The Journal is multidisciplinary and brings together methodologies and critical paths in the field of Humanities and it is open to historical, literary, linguistic, philological, philosophical and anthropological contributions.

RiMe is aimed at scholars from different countries, bodies and research groups, in order to promote and support their collaboration around common scientific interests on themes and motives related to the historical identity of Mediterranean Europe and their varied external relations.

The Journal is intended as a place for reflection for an audience of specialists, and, at the same time, as a tool for disseminating the results of research in civil society.

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RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (ISSN 2035-794X) è una rivista elettronica di studi sul Mediterraneo, fondata dall'Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea (ISEM) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).

La rivista è multidisciplinare, fa interagire metodologie e percorsi critici nell’ambito delle scienze umane ed è aperta a contributi di carattere storico, letterario, linguistico, filologico, filosofico, antropologico.

RiMe si rivolge a studiose e studiosi appartenenti a paesi, enti e gruppi di ricerca diversi, per promuoverne e sostenerne la collaborazione intorno ai comuni interessi scientifici sui temi e motivi legati all’identità storica dell'Europa mediterranea e alle loro variegate relazioni esterne.

La rivista si propone come organo di riflessione destinato a un pubblico di specialisti e, di pari passo, come strumento di disseminazione dei risultati delle ricerche nella società civile.