Le opere di difesa delle attività produttive nel Regno di Sardegna nel XVI secolo. Il caso di Capo Carbonara

Defence actions within the productive activities in the Kingdom of Sardinia in the 16th century. The case of Capo Carbonara

  • Giovanni Serreli CNR - Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea
Keywords: History of Modern Sardinia, Defensive policies, Piracy, Charles V of Spain, League of Cognac, Storia Moderna della Sardegna, Politiche difensive, Pirateria, Carlo V di Spagna, Lega di Cognac


Between the end of the fifteenth century and the first decades of the sixteenth century, the intensification of barbaric incursions along the coasts of the States of the Crown of Spain, imposed on the peripheral governments some measures aimed at the implementation of coastal defense works, especially for cities overlooking the Mediterranean. The occupation and sacking of Sassari by the French contingent commanded by Renzo Ursino, in December 1527, in the context of the war that the League of Cognac had declared to the Emperor Charles V, caused the attempt to organize a coastal defense system also in the Sardinian Kingdom, which suffered numerous episodes of piracy deeply rooted in the history of the Mediterranean.

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