Las mujeres de las monarquías europeas I. Espacios institucionales, prácticas de poder e identidades (ss. X-XVI). 

Women of European monarchies I. Institutional spaces, power practices and identities (10th-16th centuries)

Ángela Muñoz Fernández - Diana Pelaz Flores (coords.)

This special Issue is the result of the awareness of a comparative need, one of the main included in the objectives of the coordinated project “Las Mujeres de las Monarquías Ibéricas: paradigmas institucionales, agencias políticas y modelos culturales (siglos XIII-XV)”.

The analysis of women's political participation strategies in different historical periods has not only experienced a notable boost in recent years, but has also become one of the fully consolidated research  lines in the field of Women's History.

In the specific case of the Middle Ages, studies centred on reginality or the female royal office are going through a particularly fruitful period, both in terms of research on characters who are still little known and in terms of the diversification of thematic, methodological and analytical approaches.

 This Special Issue has been financed with funds from the project “Reinas e infantas de las monarquías ibéricas: espacios religiosos, modelos de representación y escrituras, ca. 1252-1504” (PGC2018-099205-B-C21,  integrated in the Coordinated Project "Las mujeres de las Monarquías Ibéricas: paradigmas institucionales, agencias políticas y modelos culturales",  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional.


Published: 2023-12-27

RiMe 12/I n.s. (June 2023). Special Issue