Sguardi cosmopoliti sulla città

Cosmopolitan gazes on the city

  • Raffaele Cattedra Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Keywords: Cosmopolitanism, Cities, Urbanism, Minorities, Cosmopolitismo, Città, Urbanesimo, Minoranze



Author Biography

Raffaele Cattedra, Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Raffaele Cattedra. Full Professor of Geography at the Department of Letters, Languages and Cultural Heritage of the University of Cagliari. He deals with the Mediterranean, cities and migrations, favoring multimedia approaches with open perspectives on the relationship between science, art and territory. He taught in France and worked in Morocco and Tunisia. He organized the Cosmomed event in 2019: Traces of cosmopolitanism around the Mediterranean: migrations, current memories (Il Lazzaretto art center, Cagliari). Among the latest publications, he has edited (in collaboration) Cagliari. Geografie e visioni di una città. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2021.

RiMe 10/II n.s. (June 2022). Special Issue