Catalan diplomatic presence and actions in the Mediterranean

  • Manuel Duran Univeriteit Atwerpen
Keywords: Diplomacy, Paradiplomacy, Catalonia, Sub-State Diplomacy, Mediterranean Region, Diplomacia, Paradiplomacia, Cataluña, Diplomacia subestatal, Región mediterránea


Paradiplomacy is the diplomatic practice of sub-state entities. Catalonia is often cited as one of the textbook examples of this form of diplomacy. Due to the regions’ location, consecutive Catalan governments developed a robust diplomatic policy aimed at the Mediterranean as a whole and at positioning Catalonia as a bridge between the Mediterranean and Europe. This article will first present an historical sketch of the current Catalan diplomatic presence within the Mediterranean, after which an overview will be presented of the actors, instruments and practices of its diplomacy. Finally, the threats and opportunities for the future will be analyzed.

La paradiplomacia es la práctica diplomática de las entidades subestatales. Cataluña se cita a menudo como uno de los ejemplos  modelo de diplomacia. Debido a la ubicación de las regiones, los sucesivos gobiernos catalanes desarrollaron una sólida política diplomática dirigida al Mediterráneo en su conjunto y a posicionar a Cataluña como un puente entre el Mediterráneo y Europa. En este artículo se presentará en primer lugar un esbozo histórico de la actual presencia diplomática catalana en el Mediterráneo, tras lo cual se presentará una visión general de los actores, instrumentos y prácticas de su diplomacia. Finalmente, se analizarán las amenazas y oportunidades para el futuro.

Author Biography

Manuel Duran, Univeriteit Atwerpen

Manuel Duran is a Belgian political scientist and historian. He earned a master’s degree in medieval history at the University of Ghent and a master’s degree in International Relations & Diplomacy at the University of Antwerp. His Ph.D. thesis on the subject (University of Antwerp, 2014) was published by Brill/MartinusNijhoff as “Mediterranean Paradiplomacies. The Dynamics of Diplomatic Reterritorialization”. He is currently working as a scientific attaché at the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and of Military History in Brussels. He has published articles on diplomacy and military history.

Special Issue