Le Kaléidoscope linguistique dans le théâtre de Zadi Zaourou

The linguistic Kaleidoscope in Zadi Zaourou's theatre

  • Nataša Raschi Università degli Studi di Perugia
Keywords: Francophonie, Ivory Coast Literature, Bernard Zadi Zaourou, Francofonia, Letteratura ivoriana


In the French-speaking world, we often hear about multilingualism, which refers to respect for differences and the equal dignity of peoples. It is above all the multiple expressions of the Francophonie that provide the common linguistic heritage with abundant resources. Ordinary representations of this language tend to oppose French from France to French outside France, an opposition materialized by geographical distance and by a form of symbolic distance embodied in the centre / periphery couple, which establishes hierarchies. In this regard, the multilingual Ivorian mosaic is all the more interesting because it is the intrinsic heterogeneity of the object that calls into question the work of the linguist.
