Gli interessi petroliferi della Gran Bretagna nel Medio Oriente: i contrasti con gli Stati Uniti tra guerra dello Yom Kippur e crisi energetica, 1973-1974

Britain's oil interests in the Middle East: the contrasts with the United States between the Yom Kippur war and the energy crisis, 1973-1974

  • Bruno Pierri Università degli Studi di Parma
Keywords: Richard Nixon, Great Britain, United States of America, Middle East, USSR, Gran Bretagna, Stati Uniti d'America, Medio Oriente, URSS


In the aftermath of the 1972 US presidential elections, the British government was very interested in Richard Nixon's confirmation, particularly as regards security and Washington's economic policy. Despite the spirit of relaxation with the Soviet Union, His Majesty's ambassador to the American capital maintained that the newly confirmed Administration always pursued a policy of containment, but followed a version more appropriate to the times, based, on the one hand, on a greater autonomy of the Western allies, and, on the other, on attempts at cooperation between the superpowers in order to avoid tensions in the sensitive areas of the planet. Among these, the Middle East represented the most potentially critical region for a possible clash with Moscow.

Dossier. Sguardi sul Medio Oriente / Looks on the Middle East