L’amministrazione Nixon e i rapporti con la Giordania alla vigilia di Settembre Nero, novembre 1969-agosto 1970

The Nixon Administration and the relations with Jordan on the eve of Black September, November 1969-August 1970

  • Lucio Tondo Università degli Studi del Salento
Keywords: Henry Kissinger, Richar Nixon, United States of America, Middle East, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FPLP), Stati Uniti d'America, Medio Oriente, Fronte Popolare per la Liberazione della Palestina (FPLP)


On June 11, 1970, Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon's Assistant for National Security, during a meeting, asked the members of the Washington Special Actions Group (WSAG) to examine "the military and political re-applications in the event of a specific request from Hussein for an American military intervention in order to prevent its de-thronement". The request of the Chairman of the National Security Council (NSC) testified to the concern of the Nixon Administration that Syria and Iraq, radical Arab countries and close to the Soviet Union, could intervene militarily in support of the fedayins of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FPLP) of George Habash and of the Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FDPLP).

Dossier. Sguardi sul Medio Oriente / Looks on the Middle East