Le trame simboliche archetipiche e le costellazioni del mito. La lettura di miti e simboli nell’opera teatrale di Wajdi Mouawad

The symbolic archetypal plots and constellations of myth. Reading myths and symbols in Wajdi Mouawad's play

  • Veronica Cappellari Università della Valle d'Aosta
Keywords: Wajdi Mouawad, Jean-Paul Sartre, existentialist theatre, Lebanese literature


Pièces whose main theme is the search for maternal and paternal origins, “Littoral” and “Incendies” by the Lebanese writer Wajdi Mouawad, attempt, in a very unusual way, to revisit the great myths of ancient theatre. The dramaturgy of Mouawad can in fact be alongside the existentialist theatre that Jean-Paul Sartre defines as "théâtre de situations", that is to say that he explores "all the situations that are the most common in human experience", creating "des mythes [afin de] projeter au public une image agrandie et enrichie de ses propres souffrances". Moreover, Mouawad himself considers his work a "political théâtre", meaning by this to synthesize his deep commitment to the great ethical-moral issues that have always stirred the conscience of humanity.
