Inserción socio-económica de los italianos en Córdoba. 1876 y 1914

Socio-economic insertion of the Italians in Cordoba. 1876 y 1914

  • Isabel Manachino de Pérez Roldán Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Argentine, Italian Migrations, Salvador Alberdi, Argentina, Migrazioni italiane


Within the Argentine society of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, foreigners in general, and Italians in particular, occupied a prominent place. The highest income was recorded in the period from 1876 to 1914. At that time, the country was undergoing a period of expansion that demanded labor to raise crops, to build railways, load trains and ships and contribute to the development of industrial and commercial activities. Alberdi's famous phrase - "to govern is to populate" - and that of the of 1853 - "for all the men of the world". world that want to inhabit the Argentine soil - were added thelaws designed to attract foreigners. The law of Colonisation andimmigration of 1876, revealed the policy of the State to promote the settlement of the interior of the Argentine Republic. country through official and private colonization in territories provincial, national and private.
