Spinte idealistiche e “verità effettuale”: il caso del provenzale alpino

Idealistic drives and "effective truth": the case of the alpine Provençal

  • Riccardo Regis Università degli Studi di Torino
Keywords: Linguistics, Provencal Language, Corpus-Planning, Status-planning, Linguistic minorities, Linguistica, Lingua provenzale, Minoranze linguistiche


The notion of standards and the process that leads to a standard variety, that is, standardisation, have become subjects of constant attendance for those who deal with minority languages in Italy, especially in the ten years that have passed since the approval, on 15 December 1999, of Law 482 ("Regulations for the Protection of Historical Linguistic Minorities"). As is well known, standardisation operates on two main levels, the corpus-planning and the status-planning. If the first is the "study that is carried out on a particular code to enable it to assume the functions of language of the administration, school or high culture". the second concerns "the whole of the normative and legislative apparatus aimed at making the linguistic rights of the population effective [...]".
