Relaciones comerciales entre el Reino de Valencia y el Norte de Italia en el tránsito del siglo XVI al XVII

Commercial relations between the Kingdom of Valencia and Northern Italy in the transition from the 16th to the 17th century

  • Daniel Muñoz Navarro
Keywords: North of Italy, Trade networks, Kingdom of Valencia, Norte de Italia, Relaciones comerciales, Reino de Valencia, Siglos XVI - XVII, 16th - 17th Centuries


This paper analyzes the trade networks between the North of Italy and the kingdom of Valencia during the 16th and 17th Centuries. The presence of Genoeses in the Iberian Peninsula and the economic role that they played during this period allowed them to control this commercial traffic with two ways. As for the typology of this trade, diverse manufactured genres were imported towards Valencia, whereas raw materials were exported, principally wools and silks.

Nevertheless, there does not exist a study that approaches the question in all his depth, in spite of the existence of written sources adapted to develop it.


Este artículo examina las relaciones comerciales entre el norte de Italia y el Reino de Valencia en el siglo XVI y XVII. La presencia genovesa en la Península Ibérica y el papel económico que jugó durante este periodo le permitió controlar este tráfico mercantil bidireccional. En cuanto a la tipología de este comercio, se importaban hacia Valencia diversos géneros manufacturados, mientras que se exportaban principalmente materias primas, entre las que destacan la lana y la simiente de seda. No obstante, no existe un estudio que aborde la cuestión en toda su profundidad, a pesar de la existencia de fuentes adecuadas para desarrollarlo.


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