The walls within. A survey on the archive of the former Albanian Secret Police Sigurimi

  • Alma Hado CNR - Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea
Keywords: Albania, Secret Police Sigurimi, Files, Internment camps, Informants, Polizia Segreta Sigurimi, Dossiers, Campi di internamento, Informatori


This article is an analysis of the original documents filed in the archives of Sigurimi, the Albanian State Secret Police, from 1945 to 1991 about the ‘enemies of the Party’ sent to the internment camps of Lushnja, a small town in central Albania. These files were made available by the Albanian Authority of Information on Former State Security Files. The detailed reports by the secret services officers and informants disclose the ferocity endured by generations who were deprived of personal freedoms and suffered persecutions for almost 50 years. The original documents are testimony of the incalculable psychological damage inflicted to people who live in total isolation and in constant fear.

 Questo articolo è un’analisi dei documenti originali depositati negli archivi della Sigurimi, la Polizia segreta di Stato albanese, dal 1945 al 1991 sui ‘nemici del Partito’ inviati nei campi di internamento di Lushnja, una piccola cittadina dell’Albania centrale. Questi file sono stati resi disponibili dall’Autorità Albanese per l'informazione sui documenti degli ex Servizi Segreti. I resoconti dettagliati degli agenti e degli informatori dei servizi segreti rivelano la ferocia subita da generazioni che sono state private delle libertà personali e hanno subito persecuzioni per quasi 50 anni. I documenti sono testimonianza dell'incalcolabile danno psicologico inflitto a persone che vivono in totale isolamento e nella costante paura.

Author Biography

Alma Hado, CNR - Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea

Alma Hado holds a degree in Italian literature from Tirana University which she followed up through collaborations with Georgetown University and “92Y” in NYC. She progressively focused on international issues. A producer at Voice of America in Washington DC, she then joined Humpty Dumpty Institute as “UN Across America” project manager in NYC where she also authored articles for Italian newspapers. She has worked for the Italian Government at the Embassy in Tirana and for Italy’s rotating EU Presidency. At “Roma Tre” and Bari University she focused on inter-university cooperation in the Balkans.

RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024). Special Issue