Society in turmoil: The first economic reforms of a communist nature and the social consequences in Albanian society 1945-1948

  • Metin Venxha University “Fan S. Noli” Korcë
  • Orjon Ago University “Fan S. Noli” Korcë
Keywords: Economy, Nationalization, Centralized economy, Industrialization, Economica, Nazionalizzazione, Economia centralizzata, Industrializzazione


By the end of the WWII, Albania followed a centralized and planned economic policy and the Soviet model was undertaken. The economy was the reflection of the political alliances that Albania created within the socialist world. Like King Zog, his political opponent, Hoxha, also followed a policy of alliances to help the economic reconstruction of the country. Relations with Yugoslavia were strengthened 1944-1948 with a series of economic treaties signed to bring the country out of the post-war emergency phase.

L’Albania dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, seguì una politica economica centralizzata secondo il modello sovietico. L’economia era il riflesso delle alleanze che l’Albania aveva creato all’interno del mondo socialista. Come il re Zog, anche il suo avversario Hoxha seguì una politica di alleanze per aiutare la ricostruzione economica del paese. I rapporti con la Jugoslavia, furono rafforzati tra il 1944-1948 con una serie di trattati siglati per far uscire il Paese dalla emergenza del dopoguerra.

Author Biographies

Metin Venxha, University “Fan S. Noli” Korcë

Dr. Metin Venxha is a full-time lecturer at the University of Korce. He graduated in 2011 at Roma Tre University and then doctorated in 2014 at La Sapienza University. His research is focused on the economic history of Albanian, the period between First World War and the end of communism. He is part of the editorial boards and scientific committees of several journals in the field of history.

Orjon Ago, University “Fan S. Noli” Korcë

Dr. Orjon Ago is a lecturer at Fan.S.Noli University, for 14 years of experience in teaching history subjects. He is author of many scientific articles published in international journals and has participated in international conferences. He has been part of some national projects and member of European funding based projects that aimed capacity building and transformations in higher education.

RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024). Special Issue