Differences between the coping mechanisms of people who lived in Savër, Lushnja labour camp, between the ones who fled after the 1990s and the ones who stayed in Albania

  • Migena Buka University of Tirana
  • Rudina Rama University of Tirana
  • Edmond Rapti University of Tirana
  • Theodhori Karaj University of Tirana
  • Eralda Zhilla University of Tirana
Keywords: Labor camps, Coping mechanisms, Trauma, Psychological adaptation, Savër, Albania, Campi di lavoro, Meccanismi di coping, Adattamento psicologico


This research examines responses of ex-detainees in the labor camps in Savër Lushnjë, Albania, exploring the reasons behind their choices to either flee Lushnja or stay there in the post-Hoxha regime. Through 27 in-depth interviews, the study uncovers how personal trauma, societal views, and resilience influence this decision. It reveals a complex dynamic of trauma processing, resilience, and the decision-making process regarding facing or escaping the past. This work sheds light on trauma recovery in totalitarian regimes, offering insights into the paths toward healing and societal reintegration.

Questa ricerca esamina le risposte degli ex-detenuti nei campi di lavoro a Savër Lushnjë, Albania, esplorando le ragioni delle loro scelte di fuggire o rimanere a Lushnja nel periodo post-regime di Hoxha. Attraverso 27 interviste approfondite, lo studio svela come il trauma personale, le visioni sociali e la resilienza influenzino questa decisione. Rivela una dinamica complessa nella gestione del trauma, resilienza, e nel processo decisionale riguardante l'affrontare o eludere il passato. Questo lavoro illumina la ripresa dal trauma nei regimi totalitari, offrendo spunti sui percorsi di guarigione e reintegrazione sociale.

Author Biographies

Migena Buka, University of Tirana

Assoc. Prof. Migena Buka, a key figure in the University of Tirana's Psychology Department, specializes in leadership and human resources within the Social Sciences Faculty. Her work includes collaborations with top Albanian firms like Albtelecom and Bankers Petroleum, and significant projects with GIZ, UNICEF, UNDP, and the EU, marking her impact locally and globally. She actively contributes to academic forums and has a robust research portfolio in human resources management. Contact: migena.buka@unitir.edu.al.

Rudina Rama, University of Tirana
Theodhori Karaj, University of Tirana
Eralda Zhilla, University of Tirana
RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024). Special Issue