Social relations and internment camps: A socio-psychological analysis on a sample of interviews with former residents from Lushnjë (Albania)

  • Federica Floridi Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes
  • Silvia Cataldi Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes
  • Marino Bonaiuto Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes
  • Alessandra Talamo Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes
Keywords: Extreme Contexts, Dehumanisation, Social Relations, Contesti estremi, Disumanizzazione, Realzioni sociali


The article investigates the psychosocial factors of internment in the Lushnjë camps during the Albanian communist period, focusing on some specific aspects of group relations in extreme situations: the dynamics of categorization, stratification and differentiation in terms of ingroup and outgroup relationships, and the formation of internal cohesive relationships necessary for survival. Analysing interviews conducted with inmates sampled by the Face-Up project, it is explored how, even in contexts of violence and dehumanisation, positive authentic relationships can be activated with people from both ingroup and outgroup. Finally, the hypothesis that such relationships can contribute to resilience is examined.

 L’articolo indaga i fattori psicosociali dell'internamento nei campi di Lushnjë durante il periodo comunista albanese, soffermandosi su alcuni aspetti specifici delle relazioni di gruppo in situazioni estreme: le dinamiche di categorizzazione, stratificazione e differenziazione in termini di relazioni tra ingroup e outgroup e la formazione di relazioni coesive interne necessarie alla sopravvivenza. Analizzando le interviste condotte con gli internati selezionati dal progetto Face-Up, si analizza come, anche in contesti di violenza e disumanizzazione, si possano attivare relazioni autentiche e positive con persone sia dell’ingroup che dell'outgroup. Infine, si esamina l’ipotesi che tali relazioni possano contribuire alla resilienza.

Author Biographies

Federica Floridi, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes

Federica Floridi, Ph.D, is research fellow at the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes of Sapienza University of Rome. Her research interests concern the evaluation of public and social policies, the evaluation of the university system and research, and schooling policies. She has worked as an evaluation expert for public agencies and for international development cooperation on behalf of the European Union and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in several countries in Africa, Latin America, and Middle East. She has lectured on social research methodology and evaluation of cooperation and development initiatives for bachelor’s and master’s levels.

Silvia Cataldi, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes

Silvia Cataldi, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Sapienza University of Rome. She teaches sociology and research methods at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, also coordinating a BA degree course in Psychology (STP). Her research concentrates on solidarity actions, emphasizing empowerment for vulnerable targets and prison environments through projects funded by the European Commission. Cataldi holds the Coordinator position for the International Sociological Association TG 12 “Social Love and Solidarity”, serves on the board of the European Sociological Association 20RN Qualitative Methods, and leads the international research network Social-One.

Marino Bonaiuto, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes

Marino Bonaiuto, Full Professor in Social Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome, and vice-Director CIRPA. Board member PhD in the Department; member of the Sapienza Sustainability Scientific-Technical Committee. Awarded Research Fellow IAAP in 2018, President-Elect Div. #4 Environmental Psychology of IAAP (2022-2026). Former President master’s degree course in Psychology of communication and marketing (2011-2020). Former Director of the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes in Sapienza (2006-2009). Already Visiting Professor Université Paris Ouest (June 2010) and in other Universities. Authors of over 200 publications and over 200 contributions in scientific congresses. Partner in EC projects across 20 years.

Alessandra Talamo, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes

Alessandra Talamo, PhD, is Full Professor in Social Psychology and Psychoterapist at the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes of Sapienza University of Rome. Former Head of Department, she leads the HOPE service devoted to psychological support of professionals working in conflict zones and humanitarian emergencies; coordinates a project in the field of professional training and capacity building in partnership with University of Rwanda. Scientific coordinator of the IDEaCT Social Lab, her research includes the human-centered design of digital services. Involved in several international projects over time, she authored more than 100 publications at national and international layer.

RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024). Special Issue