Scientific research in Albanian secret police files, three decades after the regime's fall. The authenticity of files facing their believability

  • Ardita Repishti The Albanian Authority on Access to Information on the Former State Security Service
Keywords: Transitional justice, Communist-era, Secret files, Authenticity, Believability, Era comunista, Fascicoli segreti, Autenticità, Credibilità


One of the most difficult components regarding Albanian society’s relationships with its communist past is the debate on repressing features of the totalitarian regime, 1944-1991. After 3 decades the society still manifests some sort of refusal to involve itself in debates on the multi-dimensional violence exercised against political opponents and their family members. Established in 2017 as an incentive for EU membership of Albania, the Authority of Files faced serious challenges in providing believable information by opening the secret files of Sigurimi and shedding light on its procedures.

Uno degli aspetti più complicati del rapporto tra la società albanese e il suo passato comunista è il dibattito sulla repressione perpetrata dal regime totalitario tra il 1944 e il 1991. Dopo tre decenni, la società manifesta ancora una sorta di rifiuto a impegnarsi nel dibattito sulla violenza esercitata in più modi contro gli oppositori politici e i loro familiari. Istituita nel 2017 come incentivo per l’adesione dell’Albania all’Unione Europea, la ‘Autorità dei Fascicoli’ si è impegnata a fornire informazioni credibili, aprendo i fascicoli segreti del Sigurimi e facendo luce sulle sue procedure.

Author Biography

Ardita Repishti, The Albanian Authority on Access to Information on the Former State Security Service

Ardita Repishti was born in Shkoder, Albania, graduated in Literature (2000) and Master in Communication (2011) of University of Tirana. From 2018-2022, Repishti was Director of Scientific Research and Civic Education at AIDSSH, after a consolidated experience in PM’s Office of Albania, with 22 years of work experience in education, research, archives, publications, project management, public relations, regional and international projects regarding culture, human rights, communication, youth, dealing with the past and social engagement.

RiMe 14/V n.s. (June 2024). Special Issue