Studies on local communities in a global framework

  • Margarita Fernández Mier Universidad de Oviedo
  • Luis Miguel Rebollar Flecha Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Medievalism, toponymics, local communities, peasantry, knowledge transfer


In the face of the re-emergence –despite their obsolescence– of some traditional medievalist historiographical discourses focused on mythological elements that legitimise nation states, certain lines of research developed in recent decades can be oriented as alternative scientific narratives that, from the vindication of local culture studied from medieval or other historical roots, reclaim political power for the communities of said territories. In this regard, our research group has carried out various research projects that consider the most current trends, as well as sharing the research results in experiences of knowledge transfer with these current communities.

Frente a algunos discursos historiográficos tradicionales del medievalismo, centrados en personajes míticos legitimadores de los estados nación que últimamente están siendo recuperados a pesar de su caducidad, en las últimas décadas han aparecido líneas de investigación que generan discursos alternativos que, a partir de la reivindicación de la cultura local estudiada desde las raíces históricas medievales, reclamen otra forma de gestión del territorio para las comunidades locales. En ese sentido, nuestro grupo de investigación ha realizado diversos proyectos de investigación, atentos a los marcos teóricos más actuales, así como a experiencias de transferencia de conocimiento.

Author Biographies

Margarita Fernández Mier, Universidad de Oviedo

Dr. Margarita Fernández Mier is a current full professor of Medieval History at the University of Oviedo. Her extensive work includes all the possible current approaches to landscape from archaeology to lace names and documentation looking to acquire holistic and comprehensive knowledge of present rural communities through their medieval past as an important contribution to social history.

Luis Miguel Rebollar Flecha, Universidad de Oviedo

Luis Miguel Rebollar Flecha is a Middle Ages History PhD student at the University of Oviedo working on different aspects of the medieval peasantry, how it is represented on the documentary sources, studied in the archaeological record, and analysed with a transdisciplinary approach that includes the assistance of diverse humanities.

RiMe 11/I n.s. (December 2022). Special Issue