Exotisme et Touriste de bananes

Exoticism and Banana Tourist

  • Jean-François Plamondon Università degli Studi di Bologna
Keywords: Georges Simenon, Contemporary French Literature, Travel Literature, Letteratura francese contemporanea, Letteratura di viaggio


When Georges Simenon went to the Universal Exhibition in Liège, he was certainly not aware that he was laying the first stone of a building built on the desire to tell and meet others through travel. Born in Belgium in 1903, Simenon felt the need to leave his native land to live in Paris, when he was not yet twenty years old. During the 1920s, he published no fewer than 120 novels under a multitude of pseudonyms, an average of one book per month for ten years. If his characters travel and go on an adventure, Simenon, on the other hand, becomes attached to France, apparently settling there, as if the taste of travel had passed him by.

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