Verso una pragmatica interculturale: l’espressione e l’interpretazione del disagio psicologico degli immigrati

Towards an intercultural pragmatics: expressions and interpretations of migrants' psychological unease

  • Grazia Biorci
Keywords: Migration, Communication, Language, Behaviour Codes, Migrazioni, Comunicazione, Linguaggio, Codici di comportamento


Every culture and every human community share expression and behaviour codes which can be valued either socially acceptable or deviant. These codes seem to be part of one’s own cultural phylogenies: a natural and spontaneous tradition of a learned way of behaving and living. Such behaviour codes may cause difficulties when shared among people of different age or social provenance, but could become really painful when different communities in touch do not mutually know each other and above all, do not share the same cultural responses to similar events. This seems particularly true for some migrant groups at the beginning of their staying in a new country.

Dossier. La ricerca presso l'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea