Insegnamento della storia e/è public history

History teaching and/is public history

  • Andrea Zannini Università degli Studi di Udine
Keywords: Public history, Didactics of history, School history, Collective identities, Methods of teaching, Didattica della storia, Storia scolastica, Identità collettive, Metodi di insegnamento.


At the root of both the success of public history and the difficulties of history as a school subject is the same phenomenon of transformation of history, of its function and meaning in the society. School history no longer fulfills the task of forming collective identities, which are increasingly uncertain and supernational. Hence, at the same time, the impossibility to teach history according to traditional methods and canons, and the strong demand for history from non-specialized public to which public history tries to give an answer.

Alla radice sia del successo della public history sia delle difficoltà della storia come materia scolastica vi è il medesimo fenomeno di trasformazione della storia, della sua funzione e significato nella società. La storia scolastica non assolve più al compito di formare le identità collettive, che sono sempre più incerte e supernazionali. Da qui, al tempo stesso, l’impossibilità di insegnare la storia secondo i metodi e i canoni tradizionali, e la forte domanda di storia proveniente da pubblico non specializzato alla quale cerca di rispondere la public history.

Author Biography

Andrea Zannini, Università degli Studi di Udine

Andrea Zannini is Full Professor in Modern History at the University of Udine. He has earned his PhD degree at the University ‘L. Bocconi’ of Milan and he has worked as Lecturer at the University of Padua, Faculty of Political Sciences. His scientific interests concern different historiographical areas such as: the social history of the Republic of Venice (XV‐XIX c.); the demographic history of the alpine area (XVI‐XX c.); the didactics of history; the history of the Italian Resistance. Together with Walter Panciera he published the textbook Didattica della storia. Manuale per la formazione degli insegnanti, Firenze, Le Monnier, 20092. His most recent book is Storia minima d’Europa. Dal Neolitico a oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino 2015. He is fellow of different Italian and international scientific associations, such as the Società Italiana degli Storici dell’Età Moderna (SISEM), and component of different scientific projects. He is the Director of the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine.

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